Inspiration Yoga Goes Online !

Like many other yoga teachers, we have migrated online to deliver a few much needed yoga classes. And who knows we may even continue with doing so after the current crisis passes!

Here is how you can find Janaki & Davy online

At present, each of us has one online class that anyone can access. You can find both at studio io in Brighton. Davy’s online Ashtanga class is on Mondays at 5.45 for an hour. Janaki’s Hatha class is Tuesdays at 7.15 for an hour. You can book the classes at:

You can use MindBody Online (which costs nothing) or via Move GB (for which you pay to be a member). You get sent a code to log on to the class (from 10 minutes before it starts). It is slightly easier if you have created an account in advance with Zoom which costs nothing.

If you are a Member of Float Spa, you can access Janaki’s live class at 11.30 – 12.30 on Thursdays. If you are a member of Lewes Unity, you can access Davy’s pre-recorded classes. For those of you who are members of Wickwoods, we may both be teaching online with them too shortly. We will let you know.

Other help we can provide

We have a number of PDFs about short yoga practices, or short documents about breathing exercises and meditations that we can send you. Or, if you need any advice on your home practice, you can always call us, or drop us an email at: